Impact over Income - What's Your Focus?



Hi I'm Coach A' Marie!

For all my newbies... "Welcome to the Newsletter!"

For all of those who've watched this journey from start to finish all I can say is get ready, "God is doing his PERFECT work in and through US!

This work week ahead of us will require our brain power, determination, and a concerted effort to do God's work! Yes, I am asking you to believe BIGGER and TRUST God more than ever this week. Let me tell you a story of an imperfect Girl who met a perfect God who cares for her so much that he laid down his life so that she too can be SAVED! That girl is Coach A' Marie! I know that seems so simple, but in a season when so many are down in the dumps, I am reminded that we serve a BIG God who solves BIG problems like car notes, mortgages, business obligations, wayward children, and unrealistic bosses. I don't profess to my clients that I will make them millions. Only thing I say with certainty is that I will snatch you out of the grips of depression, anxiety, mental overwhelm, and anguish! How then must we press forward when all around us looks bleak? When it appears that all around us is crumbling, diminishing, and fading? Maybe its just me - I don't mind addressing the breaking that most of you would never ever talk about online... I know disappointment yet I've also seen God show up in the Knick of time!

Writing a book is work but the lives that will be changed is immeasurable - I choose to trust God and that is that! Lord, strengthen me to write until the words stop...

What do you choose this week? Is it another coaching program? Webinar? YouTube Live? Church service or will you meet the Father himself and ask for wisdom over the work week? Wisdom over your finances? Wisdom over your relationships? Wisdom over your businesses? Wisdom over the next step you should take?

If you need a Coach to assist in any of these areas let me know. I'd love to Coach YOU before my calendar closes in Quarter 4!

This week I coached myself HAPPY! My clients are overly satisfied. They feel valued, loved, and seen this week by Coach A' Marie! I wonder how your life would change if you felt that way too!

Thank you for trusting me with empowerment inside the community! I'm determined to represent my daddy (God) well in this lifetime!


Coach A' Marie

225 College Dr , Orange Park, Florida 32065
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Life Coach/Author/E.P.I.C Exit Strategist

Welcome to my online space! I wholeheartedly believe you are designed for so much more than just a 9-5! It's time to start living the Naturally Purposed Life God promised you according to Proverbs 11:25. I teach Faith Centered, Christian Entrepreneurs how to breakthrough what's trying to break them :) by using my E. P. I. C Method! Sign Up To Get Spiritually and Financially FIT! Check Me Out:

Read more from Life Coach/Author/E.P.I.C Exit Strategist

COACH A' MARIE 2024 COACH & KINGDOM INFLUENCER Read Until the End... Happy Sunday! As I reflect on closing the doors of my coaching practice in 2023, I realize that some within the community have never received an opportunity to be Coached by A' Marie and I'm most SAD about that because... unlike most coaches who give pointless assignments, care less about your wellbeing, and send that invoice within minutes without even considering whether or not you will have gas money for the week. or food...

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